Reading at Webster’s: The Omega Rite, The Fox, Open for Business, and Hume at the Melting Places

In January, I read from Heartwood at Webster’s Bookstore and Cafe. Here are some videos that my publisher, Penny Eifrig, took. J. Harlan Ritchey’s art is at my feet in the videos. He drew the cover and internal art in Heartwood.

“The Omega Rite” is the opening poem in the book, a sort of overture of what comes in the rest of the book.

“Hume at the Melting Places a long question about the is and ought of human-caused climate change. This poem is in my book

“Open for Business” is about fracking.

“The Fox” is a eulogy of sorts to a fox I found dying at the mouth of a train tunnel (pictured below)


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